[Goanet]BOOK REVIEW: A critical look at Maria Couto's *Goa: A Daughter's Story* Penguin Rs 495
Frederick Noronha (FN)
2004-05-24 06:17:03 UTC
G i r l i n t e r r u p t e d

MARIA COUTO writes passionately, but her book is neither
history nor biography, it is only a touching story,
says MARIO E SA CABRAL (The Tehelka, May 15, 2004)

MARIA AURORA Couto's passionate book is a hymn to an abiding Goan myth: that
"the sacred and the profane" are "a seamless whole". It is, therefore,
perfectly in order for the Goan Catholics to retain their Hindu caste
structure (in Aurora's case, Brahmin Saraswat) and be at the same time
fervent 'Catholic, Apostolic, Roman', the trinomial that sets the Goan
Catholics apart from the Syrian Christians down south. It may make no sense
to the rationalists, but how is it any rationalist's business to arbitrate
on religious matters?

Couto asserts that her book "is more than a statement about Goan culture and
identity. It posits a Goa which does not feature in the tourist brochure".
In fact, it posits a Goa that was not yet Goa, given the fact that the Goa
we know is an entirely Portuguese creation, carved, chiseled and hammered
into shape over a long period of time -- from 1510 to 1780 or so.

To the reader who only knew the Goa featured in the tourist brochures,
Couto's history of Goa, as a gushing reviewer recently gratefully
acknowledged, is "a case of answered prayers". Others, more callused, who
already knew much about Goa, will, nevertheless, be grateful to Couto for
the elegance and sincerity of her narrative. It is not the most commodious
assignment a daughter could set herself: to write lovingly about her father,
an academically-trained physician and a very talented musician as well, who
destroyed himself through his inveterate alcoholism. Despite it, he raised a
happy family.

At one stage in the book -- most uncharacteristically for Aurora, who is a
person with excellent manners and morals -- she succumbs to the temptation
of rumour-mongering, that too about a man who is long dead.

She tells us that on their arrival in Goa from Patna, she and her husband
were allotted the beautiful bungalow of Major Peixoto (my close friend
incidentally) and describes him as a corrupt and "the most flamboyant member
of the Portuguese administration".

Luckily for Goa and Goans, he was so flamboyant that on December 18, 1961,
with the Indian Armed Forces already knocking at the gates of Panaji, he
walked up to General Vassallo e Silva. Patriarch Dom Jose Alvernaz, and the
then Secretary General, Abel Collaco had already tried their best and failed
to convince Vassallo e Silva to surrender. Major Peixoto said to him in
measured words, "My General, these people (the Goans) are at no fault
whatever that we (the Portuguese) could not defend them. Let us leave happy
memories behind us." He wanted the General to desist from the
Lisbon-mandated scorched earth policy. The General saw reason.

The author most sympathetically understands the fears of the Catholic
population of Goa who saw in the sudden 'liberation' of their land in
December 1961 'an act of invasion'. Perhaps Couto is not aware that the
government of India, in 1965, four years after the 'liberation', threw
caution to the wind and told the Supreme Court that indeed the 'acquisition'
of Goa, Daman and Diu had been 'by conquest' and, therefore, the Union of
India was in no way bound by the commitments of the predecessor government,
Portugal. The case was that Prema Chibar, a trader from Daman, held valid
import licenses granted by the Portuguese during their regime. It is, of
course, another matter that the kind of luxury goods Prema Chibar had been
licensed to import would ultimately find their way to India's bottomless
black market. Perhs there were subtler ways for the Union of India to
protect its economic interests.

There are other behavioural abberrations of the Government of India that, in
hindsight, might astonish the seeker of truth. In March 1961, Prime Minister
Nehru told the National Convention For the Liberation of Goa assembled in
Delhi, "There is no question of annexing Goa, Daman and Diu by force....
They can join India or remain a separate entity." By mid-October of the same
year, Nehru changed gears. Freedom was still essentially a matter for Goans
to achieve, but he now didn't rule out the use of force. Nehru could get
away by projecting the imaginary danger that Portugal, being a NATO power,
could draw on the organisation's goodwill and arsenal, because the records
had not yet been declassified.

But, Maria Aurora Couto doesn't have the same excuse. By now, the entire
correspondence between the Kennedy administration and Portugal has been
declassified and published. It leaves no doubt that the Americans tried
their best to coax Portugal out of India, even suggesting some kind of quid
pro quo in Portuguese Africa, then the theatre of a war of repression.

History, by Aurora's own admission, is not her forte. She also claims that
her book is not a biography. Truly! For apart from her digressions into
history, religion and sociology, this book is only an admirably written
autobiography. Replete with colourful images of the genealogies, mores and
manners of the Catholic Brahmin Saraswat elite of which she is an exultant
heiress. Was her father's descent into alcoholism a symptomatic
manifestation of the decreptitude of the idle and obese gentry of his times?

* * *
Frederick Noronha (FN)
2004-05-24 06:17:03 UTC
G i r l i n t e r r u p t e d

MARIA COUTO writes passionately, but her book is neither
history nor biography, it is only a touching story,
says MARIO E SA CABRAL (The Tehelka, May 15, 2004)

MARIA AURORA Couto's passionate book is a hymn to an abiding Goan myth: that
"the sacred and the profane" are "a seamless whole". It is, therefore,
perfectly in order for the Goan Catholics to retain their Hindu caste
structure (in Aurora's case, Brahmin Saraswat) and be at the same time
fervent 'Catholic, Apostolic, Roman', the trinomial that sets the Goan
Catholics apart from the Syrian Christians down south. It may make no sense
to the rationalists, but how is it any rationalist's business to arbitrate
on religious matters?

Couto asserts that her book "is more than a statement about Goan culture and
identity. It posits a Goa which does not feature in the tourist brochure".
In fact, it posits a Goa that was not yet Goa, given the fact that the Goa
we know is an entirely Portuguese creation, carved, chiseled and hammered
into shape over a long period of time -- from 1510 to 1780 or so.

To the reader who only knew the Goa featured in the tourist brochures,
Couto's history of Goa, as a gushing reviewer recently gratefully
acknowledged, is "a case of answered prayers". Others, more callused, who
already knew much about Goa, will, nevertheless, be grateful to Couto for
the elegance and sincerity of her narrative. It is not the most commodious
assignment a daughter could set herself: to write lovingly about her father,
an academically-trained physician and a very talented musician as well, who
destroyed himself through his inveterate alcoholism. Despite it, he raised a
happy family.

At one stage in the book -- most uncharacteristically for Aurora, who is a
person with excellent manners and morals -- she succumbs to the temptation
of rumour-mongering, that too about a man who is long dead.

She tells us that on their arrival in Goa from Patna, she and her husband
were allotted the beautiful bungalow of Major Peixoto (my close friend
incidentally) and describes him as a corrupt and "the most flamboyant member
of the Portuguese administration".

Luckily for Goa and Goans, he was so flamboyant that on December 18, 1961,
with the Indian Armed Forces already knocking at the gates of Panaji, he
walked up to General Vassallo e Silva. Patriarch Dom Jose Alvernaz, and the
then Secretary General, Abel Collaco had already tried their best and failed
to convince Vassallo e Silva to surrender. Major Peixoto said to him in
measured words, "My General, these people (the Goans) are at no fault
whatever that we (the Portuguese) could not defend them. Let us leave happy
memories behind us." He wanted the General to desist from the
Lisbon-mandated scorched earth policy. The General saw reason.

The author most sympathetically understands the fears of the Catholic
population of Goa who saw in the sudden 'liberation' of their land in
December 1961 'an act of invasion'. Perhaps Couto is not aware that the
government of India, in 1965, four years after the 'liberation', threw
caution to the wind and told the Supreme Court that indeed the 'acquisition'
of Goa, Daman and Diu had been 'by conquest' and, therefore, the Union of
India was in no way bound by the commitments of the predecessor government,
Portugal. The case was that Prema Chibar, a trader from Daman, held valid
import licenses granted by the Portuguese during their regime. It is, of
course, another matter that the kind of luxury goods Prema Chibar had been
licensed to import would ultimately find their way to India's bottomless
black market. Perhs there were subtler ways for the Union of India to
protect its economic interests.

There are other behavioural abberrations of the Government of India that, in
hindsight, might astonish the seeker of truth. In March 1961, Prime Minister
Nehru told the National Convention For the Liberation of Goa assembled in
Delhi, "There is no question of annexing Goa, Daman and Diu by force....
They can join India or remain a separate entity." By mid-October of the same
year, Nehru changed gears. Freedom was still essentially a matter for Goans
to achieve, but he now didn't rule out the use of force. Nehru could get
away by projecting the imaginary danger that Portugal, being a NATO power,
could draw on the organisation's goodwill and arsenal, because the records
had not yet been declassified.

But, Maria Aurora Couto doesn't have the same excuse. By now, the entire
correspondence between the Kennedy administration and Portugal has been
declassified and published. It leaves no doubt that the Americans tried
their best to coax Portugal out of India, even suggesting some kind of quid
pro quo in Portuguese Africa, then the theatre of a war of repression.

History, by Aurora's own admission, is not her forte. She also claims that
her book is not a biography. Truly! For apart from her digressions into
history, religion and sociology, this book is only an admirably written
autobiography. Replete with colourful images of the genealogies, mores and
manners of the Catholic Brahmin Saraswat elite of which she is an exultant
heiress. Was her father's descent into alcoholism a symptomatic
manifestation of the decreptitude of the idle and obese gentry of his times?

* * *
Frederick Noronha (FN)
2004-05-24 06:17:03 UTC
G i r l i n t e r r u p t e d

MARIA COUTO writes passionately, but her book is neither
history nor biography, it is only a touching story,
says MARIO E SA CABRAL (The Tehelka, May 15, 2004)

MARIA AURORA Couto's passionate book is a hymn to an abiding Goan myth: that
"the sacred and the profane" are "a seamless whole". It is, therefore,
perfectly in order for the Goan Catholics to retain their Hindu caste
structure (in Aurora's case, Brahmin Saraswat) and be at the same time
fervent 'Catholic, Apostolic, Roman', the trinomial that sets the Goan
Catholics apart from the Syrian Christians down south. It may make no sense
to the rationalists, but how is it any rationalist's business to arbitrate
on religious matters?

Couto asserts that her book "is more than a statement about Goan culture and
identity. It posits a Goa which does not feature in the tourist brochure".
In fact, it posits a Goa that was not yet Goa, given the fact that the Goa
we know is an entirely Portuguese creation, carved, chiseled and hammered
into shape over a long period of time -- from 1510 to 1780 or so.

To the reader who only knew the Goa featured in the tourist brochures,
Couto's history of Goa, as a gushing reviewer recently gratefully
acknowledged, is "a case of answered prayers". Others, more callused, who
already knew much about Goa, will, nevertheless, be grateful to Couto for
the elegance and sincerity of her narrative. It is not the most commodious
assignment a daughter could set herself: to write lovingly about her father,
an academically-trained physician and a very talented musician as well, who
destroyed himself through his inveterate alcoholism. Despite it, he raised a
happy family.

At one stage in the book -- most uncharacteristically for Aurora, who is a
person with excellent manners and morals -- she succumbs to the temptation
of rumour-mongering, that too about a man who is long dead.

She tells us that on their arrival in Goa from Patna, she and her husband
were allotted the beautiful bungalow of Major Peixoto (my close friend
incidentally) and describes him as a corrupt and "the most flamboyant member
of the Portuguese administration".

Luckily for Goa and Goans, he was so flamboyant that on December 18, 1961,
with the Indian Armed Forces already knocking at the gates of Panaji, he
walked up to General Vassallo e Silva. Patriarch Dom Jose Alvernaz, and the
then Secretary General, Abel Collaco had already tried their best and failed
to convince Vassallo e Silva to surrender. Major Peixoto said to him in
measured words, "My General, these people (the Goans) are at no fault
whatever that we (the Portuguese) could not defend them. Let us leave happy
memories behind us." He wanted the General to desist from the
Lisbon-mandated scorched earth policy. The General saw reason.

The author most sympathetically understands the fears of the Catholic
population of Goa who saw in the sudden 'liberation' of their land in
December 1961 'an act of invasion'. Perhaps Couto is not aware that the
government of India, in 1965, four years after the 'liberation', threw
caution to the wind and told the Supreme Court that indeed the 'acquisition'
of Goa, Daman and Diu had been 'by conquest' and, therefore, the Union of
India was in no way bound by the commitments of the predecessor government,
Portugal. The case was that Prema Chibar, a trader from Daman, held valid
import licenses granted by the Portuguese during their regime. It is, of
course, another matter that the kind of luxury goods Prema Chibar had been
licensed to import would ultimately find their way to India's bottomless
black market. Perhs there were subtler ways for the Union of India to
protect its economic interests.

There are other behavioural abberrations of the Government of India that, in
hindsight, might astonish the seeker of truth. In March 1961, Prime Minister
Nehru told the National Convention For the Liberation of Goa assembled in
Delhi, "There is no question of annexing Goa, Daman and Diu by force....
They can join India or remain a separate entity." By mid-October of the same
year, Nehru changed gears. Freedom was still essentially a matter for Goans
to achieve, but he now didn't rule out the use of force. Nehru could get
away by projecting the imaginary danger that Portugal, being a NATO power,
could draw on the organisation's goodwill and arsenal, because the records
had not yet been declassified.

But, Maria Aurora Couto doesn't have the same excuse. By now, the entire
correspondence between the Kennedy administration and Portugal has been
declassified and published. It leaves no doubt that the Americans tried
their best to coax Portugal out of India, even suggesting some kind of quid
pro quo in Portuguese Africa, then the theatre of a war of repression.

History, by Aurora's own admission, is not her forte. She also claims that
her book is not a biography. Truly! For apart from her digressions into
history, religion and sociology, this book is only an admirably written
autobiography. Replete with colourful images of the genealogies, mores and
manners of the Catholic Brahmin Saraswat elite of which she is an exultant
heiress. Was her father's descent into alcoholism a symptomatic
manifestation of the decreptitude of the idle and obese gentry of his times?

* * *
Frederick Noronha (FN)
2004-05-24 06:17:03 UTC
G i r l i n t e r r u p t e d

MARIA COUTO writes passionately, but her book is neither
history nor biography, it is only a touching story,
says MARIO E SA CABRAL (The Tehelka, May 15, 2004)

MARIA AURORA Couto's passionate book is a hymn to an abiding Goan myth: that
"the sacred and the profane" are "a seamless whole". It is, therefore,
perfectly in order for the Goan Catholics to retain their Hindu caste
structure (in Aurora's case, Brahmin Saraswat) and be at the same time
fervent 'Catholic, Apostolic, Roman', the trinomial that sets the Goan
Catholics apart from the Syrian Christians down south. It may make no sense
to the rationalists, but how is it any rationalist's business to arbitrate
on religious matters?

Couto asserts that her book "is more than a statement about Goan culture and
identity. It posits a Goa which does not feature in the tourist brochure".
In fact, it posits a Goa that was not yet Goa, given the fact that the Goa
we know is an entirely Portuguese creation, carved, chiseled and hammered
into shape over a long period of time -- from 1510 to 1780 or so.

To the reader who only knew the Goa featured in the tourist brochures,
Couto's history of Goa, as a gushing reviewer recently gratefully
acknowledged, is "a case of answered prayers". Others, more callused, who
already knew much about Goa, will, nevertheless, be grateful to Couto for
the elegance and sincerity of her narrative. It is not the most commodious
assignment a daughter could set herself: to write lovingly about her father,
an academically-trained physician and a very talented musician as well, who
destroyed himself through his inveterate alcoholism. Despite it, he raised a
happy family.

At one stage in the book -- most uncharacteristically for Aurora, who is a
person with excellent manners and morals -- she succumbs to the temptation
of rumour-mongering, that too about a man who is long dead.

She tells us that on their arrival in Goa from Patna, she and her husband
were allotted the beautiful bungalow of Major Peixoto (my close friend
incidentally) and describes him as a corrupt and "the most flamboyant member
of the Portuguese administration".

Luckily for Goa and Goans, he was so flamboyant that on December 18, 1961,
with the Indian Armed Forces already knocking at the gates of Panaji, he
walked up to General Vassallo e Silva. Patriarch Dom Jose Alvernaz, and the
then Secretary General, Abel Collaco had already tried their best and failed
to convince Vassallo e Silva to surrender. Major Peixoto said to him in
measured words, "My General, these people (the Goans) are at no fault
whatever that we (the Portuguese) could not defend them. Let us leave happy
memories behind us." He wanted the General to desist from the
Lisbon-mandated scorched earth policy. The General saw reason.

The author most sympathetically understands the fears of the Catholic
population of Goa who saw in the sudden 'liberation' of their land in
December 1961 'an act of invasion'. Perhaps Couto is not aware that the
government of India, in 1965, four years after the 'liberation', threw
caution to the wind and told the Supreme Court that indeed the 'acquisition'
of Goa, Daman and Diu had been 'by conquest' and, therefore, the Union of
India was in no way bound by the commitments of the predecessor government,
Portugal. The case was that Prema Chibar, a trader from Daman, held valid
import licenses granted by the Portuguese during their regime. It is, of
course, another matter that the kind of luxury goods Prema Chibar had been
licensed to import would ultimately find their way to India's bottomless
black market. Perhs there were subtler ways for the Union of India to
protect its economic interests.

There are other behavioural abberrations of the Government of India that, in
hindsight, might astonish the seeker of truth. In March 1961, Prime Minister
Nehru told the National Convention For the Liberation of Goa assembled in
Delhi, "There is no question of annexing Goa, Daman and Diu by force....
They can join India or remain a separate entity." By mid-October of the same
year, Nehru changed gears. Freedom was still essentially a matter for Goans
to achieve, but he now didn't rule out the use of force. Nehru could get
away by projecting the imaginary danger that Portugal, being a NATO power,
could draw on the organisation's goodwill and arsenal, because the records
had not yet been declassified.

But, Maria Aurora Couto doesn't have the same excuse. By now, the entire
correspondence between the Kennedy administration and Portugal has been
declassified and published. It leaves no doubt that the Americans tried
their best to coax Portugal out of India, even suggesting some kind of quid
pro quo in Portuguese Africa, then the theatre of a war of repression.

History, by Aurora's own admission, is not her forte. She also claims that
her book is not a biography. Truly! For apart from her digressions into
history, religion and sociology, this book is only an admirably written
autobiography. Replete with colourful images of the genealogies, mores and
manners of the Catholic Brahmin Saraswat elite of which she is an exultant
heiress. Was her father's descent into alcoholism a symptomatic
manifestation of the decreptitude of the idle and obese gentry of his times?

* * *
Frederick Noronha (FN)
2004-05-24 06:17:03 UTC
G i r l i n t e r r u p t e d

MARIA COUTO writes passionately, but her book is neither
history nor biography, it is only a touching story,
says MARIO E SA CABRAL (The Tehelka, May 15, 2004)

MARIA AURORA Couto's passionate book is a hymn to an abiding Goan myth: that
"the sacred and the profane" are "a seamless whole". It is, therefore,
perfectly in order for the Goan Catholics to retain their Hindu caste
structure (in Aurora's case, Brahmin Saraswat) and be at the same time
fervent 'Catholic, Apostolic, Roman', the trinomial that sets the Goan
Catholics apart from the Syrian Christians down south. It may make no sense
to the rationalists, but how is it any rationalist's business to arbitrate
on religious matters?

Couto asserts that her book "is more than a statement about Goan culture and
identity. It posits a Goa which does not feature in the tourist brochure".
In fact, it posits a Goa that was not yet Goa, given the fact that the Goa
we know is an entirely Portuguese creation, carved, chiseled and hammered
into shape over a long period of time -- from 1510 to 1780 or so.

To the reader who only knew the Goa featured in the tourist brochures,
Couto's history of Goa, as a gushing reviewer recently gratefully
acknowledged, is "a case of answered prayers". Others, more callused, who
already knew much about Goa, will, nevertheless, be grateful to Couto for
the elegance and sincerity of her narrative. It is not the most commodious
assignment a daughter could set herself: to write lovingly about her father,
an academically-trained physician and a very talented musician as well, who
destroyed himself through his inveterate alcoholism. Despite it, he raised a
happy family.

At one stage in the book -- most uncharacteristically for Aurora, who is a
person with excellent manners and morals -- she succumbs to the temptation
of rumour-mongering, that too about a man who is long dead.

She tells us that on their arrival in Goa from Patna, she and her husband
were allotted the beautiful bungalow of Major Peixoto (my close friend
incidentally) and describes him as a corrupt and "the most flamboyant member
of the Portuguese administration".

Luckily for Goa and Goans, he was so flamboyant that on December 18, 1961,
with the Indian Armed Forces already knocking at the gates of Panaji, he
walked up to General Vassallo e Silva. Patriarch Dom Jose Alvernaz, and the
then Secretary General, Abel Collaco had already tried their best and failed
to convince Vassallo e Silva to surrender. Major Peixoto said to him in
measured words, "My General, these people (the Goans) are at no fault
whatever that we (the Portuguese) could not defend them. Let us leave happy
memories behind us." He wanted the General to desist from the
Lisbon-mandated scorched earth policy. The General saw reason.

The author most sympathetically understands the fears of the Catholic
population of Goa who saw in the sudden 'liberation' of their land in
December 1961 'an act of invasion'. Perhaps Couto is not aware that the
government of India, in 1965, four years after the 'liberation', threw
caution to the wind and told the Supreme Court that indeed the 'acquisition'
of Goa, Daman and Diu had been 'by conquest' and, therefore, the Union of
India was in no way bound by the commitments of the predecessor government,
Portugal. The case was that Prema Chibar, a trader from Daman, held valid
import licenses granted by the Portuguese during their regime. It is, of
course, another matter that the kind of luxury goods Prema Chibar had been
licensed to import would ultimately find their way to India's bottomless
black market. Perhs there were subtler ways for the Union of India to
protect its economic interests.

There are other behavioural abberrations of the Government of India that, in
hindsight, might astonish the seeker of truth. In March 1961, Prime Minister
Nehru told the National Convention For the Liberation of Goa assembled in
Delhi, "There is no question of annexing Goa, Daman and Diu by force....
They can join India or remain a separate entity." By mid-October of the same
year, Nehru changed gears. Freedom was still essentially a matter for Goans
to achieve, but he now didn't rule out the use of force. Nehru could get
away by projecting the imaginary danger that Portugal, being a NATO power,
could draw on the organisation's goodwill and arsenal, because the records
had not yet been declassified.

But, Maria Aurora Couto doesn't have the same excuse. By now, the entire
correspondence between the Kennedy administration and Portugal has been
declassified and published. It leaves no doubt that the Americans tried
their best to coax Portugal out of India, even suggesting some kind of quid
pro quo in Portuguese Africa, then the theatre of a war of repression.

History, by Aurora's own admission, is not her forte. She also claims that
her book is not a biography. Truly! For apart from her digressions into
history, religion and sociology, this book is only an admirably written
autobiography. Replete with colourful images of the genealogies, mores and
manners of the Catholic Brahmin Saraswat elite of which she is an exultant
heiress. Was her father's descent into alcoholism a symptomatic
manifestation of the decreptitude of the idle and obese gentry of his times?

* * *
Frederick Noronha (FN)
2004-05-24 06:17:03 UTC
G i r l i n t e r r u p t e d

MARIA COUTO writes passionately, but her book is neither
history nor biography, it is only a touching story,
says MARIO E SA CABRAL (The Tehelka, May 15, 2004)

MARIA AURORA Couto's passionate book is a hymn to an abiding Goan myth: that
"the sacred and the profane" are "a seamless whole". It is, therefore,
perfectly in order for the Goan Catholics to retain their Hindu caste
structure (in Aurora's case, Brahmin Saraswat) and be at the same time
fervent 'Catholic, Apostolic, Roman', the trinomial that sets the Goan
Catholics apart from the Syrian Christians down south. It may make no sense
to the rationalists, but how is it any rationalist's business to arbitrate
on religious matters?

Couto asserts that her book "is more than a statement about Goan culture and
identity. It posits a Goa which does not feature in the tourist brochure".
In fact, it posits a Goa that was not yet Goa, given the fact that the Goa
we know is an entirely Portuguese creation, carved, chiseled and hammered
into shape over a long period of time -- from 1510 to 1780 or so.

To the reader who only knew the Goa featured in the tourist brochures,
Couto's history of Goa, as a gushing reviewer recently gratefully
acknowledged, is "a case of answered prayers". Others, more callused, who
already knew much about Goa, will, nevertheless, be grateful to Couto for
the elegance and sincerity of her narrative. It is not the most commodious
assignment a daughter could set herself: to write lovingly about her father,
an academically-trained physician and a very talented musician as well, who
destroyed himself through his inveterate alcoholism. Despite it, he raised a
happy family.

At one stage in the book -- most uncharacteristically for Aurora, who is a
person with excellent manners and morals -- she succumbs to the temptation
of rumour-mongering, that too about a man who is long dead.

She tells us that on their arrival in Goa from Patna, she and her husband
were allotted the beautiful bungalow of Major Peixoto (my close friend
incidentally) and describes him as a corrupt and "the most flamboyant member
of the Portuguese administration".

Luckily for Goa and Goans, he was so flamboyant that on December 18, 1961,
with the Indian Armed Forces already knocking at the gates of Panaji, he
walked up to General Vassallo e Silva. Patriarch Dom Jose Alvernaz, and the
then Secretary General, Abel Collaco had already tried their best and failed
to convince Vassallo e Silva to surrender. Major Peixoto said to him in
measured words, "My General, these people (the Goans) are at no fault
whatever that we (the Portuguese) could not defend them. Let us leave happy
memories behind us." He wanted the General to desist from the
Lisbon-mandated scorched earth policy. The General saw reason.

The author most sympathetically understands the fears of the Catholic
population of Goa who saw in the sudden 'liberation' of their land in
December 1961 'an act of invasion'. Perhaps Couto is not aware that the
government of India, in 1965, four years after the 'liberation', threw
caution to the wind and told the Supreme Court that indeed the 'acquisition'
of Goa, Daman and Diu had been 'by conquest' and, therefore, the Union of
India was in no way bound by the commitments of the predecessor government,
Portugal. The case was that Prema Chibar, a trader from Daman, held valid
import licenses granted by the Portuguese during their regime. It is, of
course, another matter that the kind of luxury goods Prema Chibar had been
licensed to import would ultimately find their way to India's bottomless
black market. Perhs there were subtler ways for the Union of India to
protect its economic interests.

There are other behavioural abberrations of the Government of India that, in
hindsight, might astonish the seeker of truth. In March 1961, Prime Minister
Nehru told the National Convention For the Liberation of Goa assembled in
Delhi, "There is no question of annexing Goa, Daman and Diu by force....
They can join India or remain a separate entity." By mid-October of the same
year, Nehru changed gears. Freedom was still essentially a matter for Goans
to achieve, but he now didn't rule out the use of force. Nehru could get
away by projecting the imaginary danger that Portugal, being a NATO power,
could draw on the organisation's goodwill and arsenal, because the records
had not yet been declassified.

But, Maria Aurora Couto doesn't have the same excuse. By now, the entire
correspondence between the Kennedy administration and Portugal has been
declassified and published. It leaves no doubt that the Americans tried
their best to coax Portugal out of India, even suggesting some kind of quid
pro quo in Portuguese Africa, then the theatre of a war of repression.

History, by Aurora's own admission, is not her forte. She also claims that
her book is not a biography. Truly! For apart from her digressions into
history, religion and sociology, this book is only an admirably written
autobiography. Replete with colourful images of the genealogies, mores and
manners of the Catholic Brahmin Saraswat elite of which she is an exultant
heiress. Was her father's descent into alcoholism a symptomatic
manifestation of the decreptitude of the idle and obese gentry of his times?

* * *
Frederick Noronha (FN)
2004-05-24 06:17:03 UTC
G i r l i n t e r r u p t e d

MARIA COUTO writes passionately, but her book is neither
history nor biography, it is only a touching story,
says MARIO E SA CABRAL (The Tehelka, May 15, 2004)

MARIA AURORA Couto's passionate book is a hymn to an abiding Goan myth: that
"the sacred and the profane" are "a seamless whole". It is, therefore,
perfectly in order for the Goan Catholics to retain their Hindu caste
structure (in Aurora's case, Brahmin Saraswat) and be at the same time
fervent 'Catholic, Apostolic, Roman', the trinomial that sets the Goan
Catholics apart from the Syrian Christians down south. It may make no sense
to the rationalists, but how is it any rationalist's business to arbitrate
on religious matters?

Couto asserts that her book "is more than a statement about Goan culture and
identity. It posits a Goa which does not feature in the tourist brochure".
In fact, it posits a Goa that was not yet Goa, given the fact that the Goa
we know is an entirely Portuguese creation, carved, chiseled and hammered
into shape over a long period of time -- from 1510 to 1780 or so.

To the reader who only knew the Goa featured in the tourist brochures,
Couto's history of Goa, as a gushing reviewer recently gratefully
acknowledged, is "a case of answered prayers". Others, more callused, who
already knew much about Goa, will, nevertheless, be grateful to Couto for
the elegance and sincerity of her narrative. It is not the most commodious
assignment a daughter could set herself: to write lovingly about her father,
an academically-trained physician and a very talented musician as well, who
destroyed himself through his inveterate alcoholism. Despite it, he raised a
happy family.

At one stage in the book -- most uncharacteristically for Aurora, who is a
person with excellent manners and morals -- she succumbs to the temptation
of rumour-mongering, that too about a man who is long dead.

She tells us that on their arrival in Goa from Patna, she and her husband
were allotted the beautiful bungalow of Major Peixoto (my close friend
incidentally) and describes him as a corrupt and "the most flamboyant member
of the Portuguese administration".

Luckily for Goa and Goans, he was so flamboyant that on December 18, 1961,
with the Indian Armed Forces already knocking at the gates of Panaji, he
walked up to General Vassallo e Silva. Patriarch Dom Jose Alvernaz, and the
then Secretary General, Abel Collaco had already tried their best and failed
to convince Vassallo e Silva to surrender. Major Peixoto said to him in
measured words, "My General, these people (the Goans) are at no fault
whatever that we (the Portuguese) could not defend them. Let us leave happy
memories behind us." He wanted the General to desist from the
Lisbon-mandated scorched earth policy. The General saw reason.

The author most sympathetically understands the fears of the Catholic
population of Goa who saw in the sudden 'liberation' of their land in
December 1961 'an act of invasion'. Perhaps Couto is not aware that the
government of India, in 1965, four years after the 'liberation', threw
caution to the wind and told the Supreme Court that indeed the 'acquisition'
of Goa, Daman and Diu had been 'by conquest' and, therefore, the Union of
India was in no way bound by the commitments of the predecessor government,
Portugal. The case was that Prema Chibar, a trader from Daman, held valid
import licenses granted by the Portuguese during their regime. It is, of
course, another matter that the kind of luxury goods Prema Chibar had been
licensed to import would ultimately find their way to India's bottomless
black market. Perhs there were subtler ways for the Union of India to
protect its economic interests.

There are other behavioural abberrations of the Government of India that, in
hindsight, might astonish the seeker of truth. In March 1961, Prime Minister
Nehru told the National Convention For the Liberation of Goa assembled in
Delhi, "There is no question of annexing Goa, Daman and Diu by force....
They can join India or remain a separate entity." By mid-October of the same
year, Nehru changed gears. Freedom was still essentially a matter for Goans
to achieve, but he now didn't rule out the use of force. Nehru could get
away by projecting the imaginary danger that Portugal, being a NATO power,
could draw on the organisation's goodwill and arsenal, because the records
had not yet been declassified.

But, Maria Aurora Couto doesn't have the same excuse. By now, the entire
correspondence between the Kennedy administration and Portugal has been
declassified and published. It leaves no doubt that the Americans tried
their best to coax Portugal out of India, even suggesting some kind of quid
pro quo in Portuguese Africa, then the theatre of a war of repression.

History, by Aurora's own admission, is not her forte. She also claims that
her book is not a biography. Truly! For apart from her digressions into
history, religion and sociology, this book is only an admirably written
autobiography. Replete with colourful images of the genealogies, mores and
manners of the Catholic Brahmin Saraswat elite of which she is an exultant
heiress. Was her father's descent into alcoholism a symptomatic
manifestation of the decreptitude of the idle and obese gentry of his times?

* * *
