[Goanet] GOA Christmas Dance - December 13, 2014
2014-10-21 03:05:55 UTC
Hello All,

You are invited tothe Annual GOA Christmas Dance

Date: December 13, 2014
Venue: La MiradaGolf Course
15501 Alicante Rd
LaMirada, CA 90638

Looks like it?s going tobe an exciting dance, with a promise of attendees from all over the state ofCalifornia, neighboring states as well as abroad. Please see the attachedflyers for dance and seating details.

Click on http://goansofamerica.org/ to bookyour dance and raffle tickets online, through PayPal. Please note the newwebsite. Pictures are also available on the website for your viewing pleasure.

All rates go up by $5 onDecember 1, 2014, so book early!

Parking is available at no charge in the parking lot.For venue info, go to http://www.lamiradagc.com/

Seating: Unless you have booked a table of 10 you willbe placed at various tables (as a family/group depending on how many people youadd at the time of booking) in the section you book. Choices are Red and Greensections.
If you are planning onjoining friends/family have them book in the same section so that you will beclose to each other.

Raffle: With a lot of generous donors we have someoutstanding raffle prizes to offer.
Please book raffletickets online or at the venue. Proceeds will be donated to a worthy cause.
Only giftcertificates to hotel stays, restaurants and services will be mailed towinners not present.
For bulky items and fooditems, the winners will need to be present.
Online raffle tickets withyour name (depending on how many you purchase) will be placed in a raffle drumfor the drawing.

Lodging: Rooms are available at the Embassy Suites, 900 E Birch St, Brea, CA 92821. Please call 714-990-6000 for pricing and availability.

GOA SAT Award: Thanks to the generosity of Tony J. Azavedo,C.P.A. and Alfred F.Braganza, the G.O.A is proud to offer the SATAward once again. It is definitely a great incentive to our childrento compete.

All 11th & 12thgrade scholars are invited to apply for the 17th annual G.O.A. S.A.T.Award. It consists of $600.00 cash prize and a plaque. As in the yearspast, scores will remain absolutely CONFIDENTIAL. One ofthe parents must be Goan. The scholar must be present to receive theAward. An e-mail address is essential.

Kindly submit your testscores duly countersigned by the School Counselor by December 1 to theCoordinator,
Alfred F. Braganza,
2201 Greenfield Ave.,Los Angeles, CA 90064.
Tel. 310 478-3142.
Also email a copy to thegoansofamerica at aol.com.

See you all at theChristmas dance!!


Selma Rodrigues

Disclaimer: By attending the event you agree to nothold the GOA LA liable for any cancellations, personal injuries, losses,damages or any other personal or unfavorable consequences you may suffer byattending this event.