[Goanet] Personal note to all from Jaijai Jackson
2014-10-19 22:05:09 UTC
Warm greetings to all...

(http://www.thejazznetworkworldwide.com)It?s been a while since I?ve written a personal note to the family here in The Jazz Network Worldwide.? The past few months have been eye-opening for me on many levels.? One being I lost the closest person to me, my mother, Joan (picture here).? It was a surreal experience for she came to visit me and after assessing her condition I saw she truly wasn?t well.? I took focused and loving care of her and had her re-evaluated by a local doctor.? She was given a medication that seemed to kick off many off-shoots of her condition.? Seven weeks later, my hand was on her heart as she took her last breath.? This experience transformed my life as I watched her transition to heaven.? I am looking at life with new eyes and awarenesses as I walk forward.?

I have always been very candid with all of you throughout the years in sharing the highs and lows of promoting jazz. ?This place has been my greatest joy for the past 6 1/2 years and noticed that many saw my vision and added to it on other platforms and that was a compliment to my creative vision, for I am pleased to see others promoting jazz. ?We need?all the help we can get in this arena, and we all know it.

I share this experience with you for I stand here asking for your help in widening our vantage point here in The Jazz Network Worldwide.? I can?t do it all alone. I am hoping that you all will hit the invite button here and invite your friends, revamp your pages with current info by letting us know what you are doing, from recording to touring to promoting your new projects. ?Jump into the groups that were created so you can find new avenues for networking tools needed to create new alliances and worldwide radio play. ?Create and share your blogs and events so we can all be in "the know" of your musical journey so we can support each other. ? I want our platform here to continue to be unique and exclusive in the social networking environment in jazz.

Whether you are looking for promotion for your new projects or festivals, need an event flyer designed, or a bio created I am here to help. ?Consider advertising with your event flyers with click throughs for ticket purchases. All you have to do is share where you are in your marketing strategy and I will support you in the worldwide marketplace by featuring you on the homepage, compose a press release to procure worldwide media outlets and an 'internet face' that you are seeking from our platform. ?Want to have your CD cover 'spotlighted' for a month with a click through to your purchasing site with an email blast to the full community and other?social media?platforms that follow our network?? Need a marketing campaign for your festival? Please make sure to check out the different areas of entertainment direction and consultation packages I offer for your upcoming festivals as well. ?

I have created a new offering, which I hope you will all accept and be agreeable to...for I know subscription based sites can be a negative or a 'turn-off', but in jazz we all have to stick together to keep it alive. ?I want to stay fully committed to you all and your subscriptions help me do that. ?Our platform here has been a blessing to many and I would like to continue to give this platform to all of you to share your artistry,?artists, festivals and businesses to an interested targeted audience at discounted pricing. ?

I am currently running a special offer which is a lifetime membership to our family of jazz for $5.00 until the end of the year. ? Would you support me in this quest as we move forward? ?The holiday season is approaching and for those of you that have holiday projects, be sure to get with me for the feature calendar is filling up quickly! ?Just sign in and your new membership offering will appear.?

As always, I stand ready to support each and every one of you that continue to see the value in locking arms and being a strong force for jazz from our platform here in The Jazz Network Worldwide Family.? Please help me help you.

I love you all,

My best I will always give,


Visit THE JAZZ NETWORK WORLDWIDE "A GREAT PLACE TO HANG" at: http://www.thejazznetworkworldwide.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network


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