[Goanet] Kadambas the royals of south India, our proud heritage, the secrets of Velliapura
Gilbert Lawrence
2014-09-06 12:52:13 UTC
From: Amy Amelia da Cunha <amidacunha at gmail.com>
Kadambas the royals of south India, our proud heritage, the secrets of Velliapura

There is a mention in Goanet research of blacksmith families bringing and hiding? the young grieving Queen? Vemoma Devi to Vellipur in 1345 Goapatnam massacre.
There is also the proof that the Vellipur royal family was already converted to Nazarini christinity (malakar)? in 1400's? and could be therefore encouraged conversions of? Goans too here in Sasti.
Could be Padre Francis Xavier visited the royal family in southern capital headquaters, Vellipur before the conversion process? Can the experts connect this information for us.

GL responds:

The Kadamba royal family ended its rule of Goa in 1345.???This was followed by Muslim rule of the Bahamani Kingdom for about 100 years. This was followed by Hindu rule of the Vijayanagar kingdom; till Goa reverted back to Muslim rule under Bijapur kingdom.

So when the Portuguese arrived in Goa in 1510 (having defeated the Bijapur forces)? and when SFX arrrived in 1542 (about 200 years after the Kadamba rule), Goa very likely did not have any residual royal Kadamba family or any royal headquarters to speak off; except in nostalgic hand-me-down kaneo (grandmother story).

Can you be so kind as to provide "also the proof that the Vellipur royal family was already converted to Nazarini christinity (malakar)? in 1400's"?? Are there any significant Nazrani Christian archeological sites (churches and cemetries) in Goa dating to this period?

Looks very likely "Goan warlord Thimoya" was an enterprising Goan (some reports call him a pirate) seekig to advance himself and his timber bussiness when he sucessfully persuaded Alburquerque fighting in the Gulf to stop wasting his time in the Straits of Hormuz and come to Goa for some easy pickings and where Thimoya could start his own royal dynasty. It took Alburquerque three battles in 1510 (and several thereafter) to finally end Bijapur aspirations in Goa.
Amy Amelia da Cunha
2014-09-08 01:56:26 UTC
I have sought the advise of experts as I am not a historian.
I am going by the press release of the Kadamba disciples.
one need not be an expert or historian to understand the English there.
people who are new to this should do their own research before
asking....and if you didn't under stand this matter I see your name in the
Goanet discussion, why did you congratulate Dr.Siyona on Goanet for this

I get from this press release that
Timu was not a timber lord at all.
Timu was supplied with timber for his ship building by the Vellipur Royal
who owned Haliyal based timber yard.
from Goan history Timu tried to rule Goa but was overpowered by the

It is written in Goan history that When Alfonso de Alburquerque Vasco was
surprised to see some ancient Goan along the Sasti costal belt were already
practicing nazarini Christianity where Alburquerque was shown images of
foot long Jesus on the cross.

The Kadamba royal family ended its rule of Goa in 1345.???This was followed
by Muslim rule of the Bahamani Kingdom for about 100 years. This was
followed by Hindu rule of the Vijayanagar kingdom; till Goa reverted back
to Muslim rule under Bijapur kingdom.

as I gather from several months long Goanet discussion .....so when the
Portuguese arrived in Goa in 1510 (having defeated the Bijapur forces)? and
when SFX arrrived in 1542 (about 200 years after the Kadamba rule), the
Kadamba royal family continued to live in hiding in Vellipur and lived on
the income from timber business in Haliyal....till.....in 1850's came the
british confiscation of Haliyal yard......
.......according to kadamba coterie disciples the 41 st Successor to the
founder of the reign of Hangal late Roque santan who reciprocated, this
royal family after his death denied access to this pilgrims to the Vellipur
site that day the issue came to the attention of South India.

ref to press release.....
Congratulation and hats off to Mr.Vishnu ??SURIYA? ?Wagh, MLA for his solo
efforts in the Goa
legislative Assembly ?to unearth Goan
history ?The Kadamba?s.?? the last known Kadamda King
who ruled Goa for as few as 100 days was known as ??SURIYA- DEVA? (name
similar to Vishnu 'SURIYA' Wagh)? this information
is known through ?Kannada stone
inscriptions found at Velliapura or Velliapatnum present day Velim in
South Goa. According to Mr.Venkatesha Upadhiaya a cremation stone of 1396
where? Queen Venomaih ?Devi
wife of Kadamba Suriya-Devawas cremated in Velim by her Nephew Jayesha of

After the death of Goa Kadamba Beera Deva
Verma, ?his sons from both his wives
claimed the thrown but his? Ministers endorsed his first wife?s son ?Suriya
Deva? as the legal successor, unhappy over the endorsement ?his half
brother in 1345 called Mohammedans? to destroy the kingdom and there was a
sudden attack on the Goa killing the whole
royal family including the half bother?s family.

According to another Kannada stone inscriptions from Hangal the only royal
family member who survived the 1345 Mohammedan attack was the young Queen
of Goa
Venomiah-Devi as she was send away to her fathers place in Hangal in
observance of ?religious mourning period due to the death of her father in
law 3 months earlier. Vemomaih Devi was the daughter of the King Kadamba of
Hangal. According to Mr. Upadhiaya?s interpretation the young Queen was sent
away by Goa palace elders to avoid temptation to King Suriya Deva of sexual
during religious mourning period observed due to the death of his father.

Upon her arrival in Goa after the 1345 attack she was taken into hiding in
Velliapura by the kingdoms blacksmiths her brother's family? joined her in
Velliapura after the fall of the Kadamba's of Hangal in 1347,

Mr.Upadhiya Visits Velim every year in Dec/2013 Deccan Herald, Press
Release/Nilkanth Sah Paddaam,

Velim, 11 kilometers
from Margao, South Goa. Dec. 21st 2013. Mr.Venkatesha A. Upadhiaya? today
submitted a memorandum to the President
of India Mr.Pranab Mukherjee, Prime Minister Mr.Manmohan Singh and Mr.
Srivastava of Archeological Survey of India ASI, demanded to immediately
acquire and save the 12th century, Kadamba Jayakeshi Southern Capital
site which is also the cremation ground of the last Ruler of Hangal located
present day Velim, South Goa ?a place of National Interest? from the
of Mrs Ana Emerita, widow of a great Goan, late Roqiue Santana charging her
constructing on the scared grounds, denying access by locking the compound
gates and playing regional card with the pilgrims from the neighboring
of Karnataka who visit Velim once a year, a centuries old practice and as
of the Banavasi festival celebrations to pay their respect to the 1368AD
Velimpura cremation ground of Purandarai-Deva the ruler of Hangal.

?Warning the locals
who were present here today not to be silent spectators to injustice done to
the glorious historical past Mr. Upadhiaya a native of Belgaum lamented
reacting to regionalism that prior to his death in 2007 Roqiue Santana like
father in Portuguese colonial times always? gave a? warm welcome and supply
drinking water as a gesture of respect to the Kannada visitors at the site.
Roqiue Santana popularly known as Father of Goa?s Democracy was the local
elected representative to liberated Goa legislative Assembly. ?No doubt this
family is Goan, like thousands of Goans they are of Deccan origin too?. Mr.
Upadhiaya said.

?Earlier, a man who
walked up behind the secured gates calling himself the security for the
Santana family charged last years pilgrims of criminal mischief, theft and
robbery as important antiques went missing following last Dec. pilgrims
and said that the family has moved out of this country and ordered the
of the tour bus to get going. Leading the pilgrims Mr. Upadhiaya? 82,
denied? the allegation here today in Velim saying? that we are always
protective of the family
and do respect their privacy and recollected his family?s ancestors ties as
?Sarva-Karyakartas? meaning chief secretary, a hereditary appointment up to
time when Governor of Madras presidency George Harris under Lord Dalhousie
administration confiscated the Haliyal Timber and Construction Lime Co.
of Roqiue Santan?s greatgrand father in Nov of 1855. Mr. Upadhiaya held that
most of the pilgrims are the descendants of the? family?s Haliyal compound
work force. Historians hold that? Haliyal yard was basically? Goa? ruling
Reigns Armoury and is today converted into Haliyal Bus Terminal.
In his memorandum he urged Archeological? Survey Of India (ASI) to atleast
save this Velim landmark for future

?According to this
famous historical source held sacred by Hangal Coterie, Purandarai ruler of
Hangal and family on the eve of his fall in 1347 secretly traveled over
to joined his daughter? who herself took
shelter in safer Jayakeshi Velimpura compound in 1345 when her husband was
assassinated by Mohammedans at present day Chandor. A second wall stone
inscription dated 1396 in the Velim compound marks the death and cremation
of? Veenomai-Devi beauty and wife of? Suriya-Deva, slain Sovereign at
palace, daughter of? Late Purandaraideva,
Kadambarasa of Hangal confirms this history. It can be infered from the
inscription that Goa Kadamba Suriya-Deva? son of Beera, was married to the
nearby royal bride who was his distance
cousin. Mr. Upadhiaya said.
?Before adopting
Portuguese Catholicism

Mr. Upadhiaya said.
Before adopting
Portuguese Catholicism this Velimpura family?s ancestors had given up
worship in their temples for fear of Mohammedan trap, reinvented themselves
as Haliyal timber lords where converted by Orthodox Nasranis of Malabar in
early1400s.Some of the Syrian origin worship items and anointing oil
alabastrons saved by Upadhiaya's great grand father and moved to Belgaum
after the 1855 British confiscation of Haliyal compound is convincing
evidence. Further, quoting Kannada stone inscriptions on Konkan sea pirate
Timu 'enemy turned friend' recovered from present day Haliyal Bus stand
tell that Timu in those crucial years provided protection for their
ancestors in return for timber for his shipbuilding needs had exploited
this converts fear issue and used Portuguese forces to drive Mohammedans
away and enforced his Timu administration in Goa in 1510. The Portuguese?
in a while overpowered Timu and colonized
Goa. It is a well known historical conclusion that this Christian
connection attracted early Jesuits including Francis Xavier? to visit
Velliapura first for refreshment
before traveling inland for conversions, he added.

Prof. Nilkanth Sah Paddaam in this press release said here
today that a six member delegation headed by Mr. Upadhiaya is leaving for
Delhi tomorrow to follow up with his memorandum.
Dec/2013 Deccan Herald, Press Release/Nilkanth Sah Paddaam,
